Piano Playing is Child’s Play
See how easy it can be to play the piano? Even a four year old can do it. https://youtu.be/omuYi2Vhgjo This video on youtube has a lot of mixed comments. There are a lot of people who are saying that it is a fraud or some sort of montage because they simply don’t believe that someone […]
Am I Too Old To Learn The Piano?
There have been a lot of writing to me that have been concerned about being too old to take Piano Lessons For Beginners. People repeatedly inquire how old do you have to be before is becomes too difficult to really get skilled at the piano. This appears to be a regular question for persons over […]
Learn Piano Online
Learn Piano Online for Fast and Easy Lessons Taking piano lessons online has become a popular method to learn piano online. Online lessons have many benefits over hiring a teacher or attending classes offline. If you are someone who is looking to learn to play the piano and you are wanting an easy yet effective […]